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Everteam.mea, Lebanon
InformixからMicrosoft SQL Serverへの移行
Everteam.mea, Lebanon. Informix to Microsoft SQL Server Migration.

「数百万のレコードのInformix 7.0データベースを持つ顧客は、データをSQL Server 2008に移行するための高速で安全で信頼性の高い方法を探していました。30分以下のダウンタイム、いくつかの異なるエンコーディング、さまざまなデータタイプなど、いくつかの制約がありました。


Staples, United States
IBM DB2 to Microsoft SQL Server Migration
Staples, United States. IBM DB2 to Microsoft SQL Server Migration

"Our work with Ispirer Systems and its migration team aimed to automate our DB2 to Microsoft SQL Server Database migration with the help of SQLWays migration tool. We were thrilled when we found out that the migration could be performed only in a few months taking into account the large amount of data that need to be converted and our specific requirements. The result was impressive in terms of cost savings and the speed with which we accomplished our goal.


High Availability Systems Co. Ltd. (HAS), Japan
Oracle to HiRDB Migration (including embedded SQL migration) HAS. Oracle to HiRDB Migration

"We have enjoyed great success with Ispirer across a range of migration projects. This time, Ispirer’s project manager suggested us a solution for effectively migrating schema and embedded SQL from Oracle to HiRDB for our Japanese client.


AGTek IT & Consultancy Services, Turkey
Microsoft SQL ServerからTeradataへの移行
AGTek IT & Consultancy Services, Turkey. Microsoft SQL Server to Teradata Migration

「我々はMS-SQLからTeradataへの移行プロジェクトにおいてSQLWaysツールを1ヶ月間使用していました。5万以上のSQLコード行を変換する必要があったが、 SQLWaysツールは仕事の大半を行いました。 我々は変換結果に満足しています。 このツールは構成が簡単で使いやすいです。 積極的な技術サポートにより、移行中に直面した課題を簡単に解決することができました。


High Availability Systems Co. Ltd., Japan
Informix 4GL to Oracle PL/SQL Migration HAS. Informix 4GL to Oracle PL/SQL Migration

"While we appreciate commitment to quality and fair pricing, it was a pleasure to cooperate with our long-term developer. We have already successfully performed a range of projects together. This time we faced the challenge to perform a migration task for one of our client IT-companies from Japan. Ispirer was extremely professional and very helpful in offering us full-cycle application migration service. Our project was a tall order that most companies could not complete. Actually there was no other solution for this task on the world-wide market.


Space 95, Seychelles
Firebird to Microsoft SQL Server Migration
Space 95, Seychelles, Firebird to Microsoft SQL Server Migration

"SPACE 95 is the leader in providing state of the art technology, while meeting the communication challenges of the new millennium in Seychelles. Our company offers comprehensive services in custom application development and support, websites development, e-commerce solutions, hotel management applications, security and etc.


bbv Software Services AG, Switzerland
Turbo Pascal to C# Migration
bbv Software Services AG. Turbo Pascal to C# Migration

"We needed to develop a modern version of our client's legacy program written in Turbo Pascal. With SQLWays, we were able to automatically convert the core logic from Turbo Pascal to C#.


Tudo Sem Tilt, Brazil
Sybase ASA to Microsoft SQL Server Migration
Tudo Sem Tilt. Sybase ASA to Microsoft SQL Server Migration

"I would like to thank Ispirer, SQLWays Wizard is an amazing tool!

During our migration project from Sybase ASA to Microsoft SQL Server Ispirer provided all the necessary support for the smooth progress and project.


Schulz, Brazil

InterBase to Microsoft SQL Server
Database Migration

In order to change a factory supervision and information system, we were looking for a tool to migrate the existing "Interbase 6.0" database to "Microsoft SQL Server". We tested a few softwares, but they didn't suit us.


System Protocol Information, Malaysia

Informix to Microsoft SQL Server
Database Migration

Dear Sir / Madam,

We have just completed our biggest migration job to date from Informix to MS SQL Server. The exercise was efficiently done within schedule given to us. It was a success and thanks to a great part to your tool.


Case Studies
Sybase ASEからMicrosoft SQL Serverへの移行、チリ



IBM DB2 iSeriesからMicrosoft SQL Serverへの移行、アメリカ

ソフトウェアとアプリケーションの開発、リエンジニアリングとメンテナンスを専門とする、米国に本拠を置くフルサービスのIT企業です。 同社はウェブサイトデザイン、ウェブホスティング、SEOなどのウェブサービスを提供しています。 また、CRMシステムの導入、アップグレードおよび管理も実施しています。
